Updates On My Life In Norway

Thursday, August 24, 2006

In The Beginning...

Well, I am here-in Norway. We flew into Oslo and had to take a train to the city as the airport is 25km away. Oh, and when I say ''we'' here, i mean my mom and I. We had met a very nice man named Edward on the plane and he helped us out when we got to Norway, I am sure that if he hadn't been there we would still be wandering about the airport. After we got to Oslo we booked a spot on the overnight train over the mountains and to Bergen. We then had 10 hours to kill until our train left. We walked around town, got some lunch, took a nap, and basically sat about until the train came. I had never been on a train before this trip and I felt like was about to head off to Hogwarts with my luggage on a trolly and the platforms layed out before me. I even tried getting onto Platform 9 3/4 but was unsuccesfull, I guess I am just not magical enough. ;)

We basically slept the entire train ride to Bergen, which is a shame since I hear the scenery is gorgeous. We arrived in Bergen about 7 a.m. and dropped our stuff at the hotel and sent off to look for breakfast. (The hotel won't let us check in until 3...8 hours to bum!) Unfortunately, norwegians like to eat their meals at home and majority of the resteraunts don't open until 10 or so. We finally managed to find a breakfast buffet at a hotel and had a hard time convincing our waitress that we weren't staying their and needed to pay, we finally just left 100 nok but I think she just took it as a tip. We walked around Bergens famous fish market for an hour and then sat on the pier playing war (anything to pass the time). After my mom finally won we walked around a bunch and finally found the internet cafe that I am sitting in right now typing this. I have an hour left to kill before the hotel will let us in, I NEED A SHOWER!! I have been in the same outfit since tuesday, i havent been able to shower, brush my teeth, take my contacts out, or even sleep in an actual bed. All my sleep has been on vehicles. But I am having fun. So on that note, I leave you.


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