Updates On My Life In Norway

Monday, August 28, 2006


Okay, so I forgot some important parts of our travels in Oslo. First, when we were walking around the town looking at the shopping selection we went into a book store to check out some books and not much longer then we went in than a group of guys entered in underwear and cooking apron handing out brochures saying "Cookbook for Guys". It was interesting.

Another thing I forgot to mention which my mom would kill me for forgetting to tell. WHen we had exhausted ourselves in Oslo and still had 7 hours or so to kill until our train came we were so tired we found a deserted part of the station and lied down for a nap. 4 hours later we were woken up by a security guard telling us we couldn’t sleep there and were sent away. It only took him 4 hours to notice…oh well, us hobo Americans need some sleep, right?


At 5:46 AM, Blogger Trish said...

its ok molly, i understand


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