Updates On My Life In Norway

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Fall Break

Okay, so we just finished our fall break which was last week. The school is normally closed over holidays and everyone has to go home but they made an exception for me and Solvej, the German girl, to stay at the school since it would be too costly for us to travel home.

Sunday, everyone left us and we got some leftover food from the kitchens.

Monday, we walked to Sæbevik to go grocery shooping. Solvej hates cooking so she left me cook every meal and she did the washing afterwards, what a deal!!

Tuesday, we played chess, hung around the island, borrowed some bikes and took a little tour and like every night of vacation, watched a movie before going to bed.

Wednesday, we caught a boat to Leirvik and did a lil shopping, I got a new straightner and charlie and the chocolate factory in norwegian. Next, we caught a boat to Haugesund and wandered about there for 4 hours and then caught another boat to Stavanger where we met up with Karen, had some pizza, and then went out partying with some of her friends. I was in between wallets at the time and stupidly left my ID at the school so I had to borrow Elizabeths (one of Karens friends) extra ID. We went through her birthday and everything incase the doorman asked but then the problem arose that if i were to be asked a question and I A) didn't understand or B)Understood and answered but have such an American accent with a norwegian ID....well we decided i was gonna 'lose my voice' and left Karen do the talking. Fortunately, the doorman couldnt speak norwegian so all was well.

Thursday, we returned home after seeing some of Stavanger and took long naps.

Friday, we chilled around the house and played more chess.

Saturday, we caught a boat to Bergen where we met up with Anetta, Karoline and Adrian. We went and saw the Aquarium and other sites but, being Bergen (it rains about 300 days a year), it was raining and streets looking like they were flooding. WHen i pointed out that it was insane for people to drive in 6 inch water as they could hydroplane, Adrian just smiled and said, "Welcome to Bergen".

We went out Saturday night as well. We went to a hip club called 'Z' and then walked over, getting lost on the way, to Hulen to meet up with Karoline and Adrian. They werent there so we just finished the night dancing there but I have come to the conclusion that everyone on the dance floor was really drunk because they were all gleefully dancing and the music wasnt even really music, it was crap, we couldnt stand it. But after looking at the DJ, we saw like 7 empty beer glasses and a half full (half empty?) one in his hand....DJ's should never drink on the job if that kind of music is the outcome.

Sunday, we returned home and played chess and watched our movies, looking forward to the early arrivals on monday.

Monday, we cleaned up the place, i rearranged and mopped my room, and awaited for life to come back to the school. Everytime a car drove in we looked expectantly out the window hoping for students but none came until a bus carrying about 15 classmates. When i saw this out the window I ran, screaming down the hall to get SOlvej, who was reading in the living room, we both ran back to my window and greeted everyone through the window and then rushed down to hold doors open and give and recieve hugs of welcome.

Overall, it was a pretty nice break. Today we started classes and it is nice to have everyone back. We had a futball (soccer) competition this evening and i got all muddied up and a pretty sweet livesize tatoo of a soccer ball on my inner calve/knee area...it kinda hurt as i was standing not even 2 feet away when STeinar kicked it, and he has a really strong kick. It's all cool, i enjoy showing it off.


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