Updates On My Life In Norway

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Composing Animation

wow, so you know that composition i was talking about? Well i just finished it after spending ever waking moment on it. I did it in class, I did it at meals, I did it while watching movies, during breaks, before going to bed....i think i have it memorized. It ended up being 104 measures long and is taken kinda slow. I change the instrumentation "a little".....it now has 2 sopranos, 1 mezzo soprano, 1alto, 1 soprano sax, 1 clarinet (me, yay!), 2 celos, woodblock, triangle, congas, tomtom drum, and tamburin....a little more than expected. Most people here wrote peices for voice and piano or the simple band set-up so I am hoping, being that it took so long and is kinda different, that I will get to show mine at the christmas concert. With 30 different compositions and other songs we will be playing, only some of us will get to perform our compositions....crossing my fingers!! It is a contemporary/classical (one of those weird peices that I could see Mr. G liking...) and in one part it has the main singer just talking to a 'snazzy' rythm while everyone else is playing chords in the background (i am sooo in love with my chord progressions there...i think i am gonna make another piece with those chords as its basis). Yea, so it is pretty kickin,

Wednesday we had an option day for classes. They had knitting/crocheting, bubbly fizzing fun (blowing stuff up in an artistic way), baking, cleaning (why would anyone do that!?!), acrobatics, film animation, and some others i cant remember. I did the animation class and made a cool film about fruit with a couple other people. We all did the shooting of it but I spent 11 hours (i am not even exaggerating) editing it and actually making it into a movie. I am pretty proud of myself, there are no real words so you people in america would find it funny as well. If anyone knows of a way to send it to people or put it on the internet, tell me. Well, I gotta go, its sleepy time.


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