Updates On My Life In Norway

Thursday, February 08, 2007

And in recent news...Skiing!!!

Okay, recent news!!!
Yesterday we went to Røldal Ski Senter like a 3 hour drive from here in the mountains. I have never been to a ski place like it. First of all, the lift tickets rock!! They are small and hard and u put em in yur pocket and to get in line for the lift you have to go through an electric scanner and it senses yur card and opens the gate in front of you, so there are no workers anywhere. We were on the top of the mountains so there were NO trees what-so-ever. There was one regular lift that took u 6 minutes up and then front there were three other "lifts" that took you even farther up. These other "lifts" consisted of metal T-bars that as 2 people stand waiting they swing behind you and you grab it and put your side behind your butt and it push/pulls you up the hill. No one explained this to me, Mari and Thor went in front of me together and so I had to go alone, I had no idea what to do with these contraptions and ended up falling and had to grab one 3 bars back cuz i couldn't get it. And i didn't have a chance to see anyone get off so that was interesting....the bar got caught in between my legs...i felt so stupid. Anyway, about the slopes. When at the top of the lift, there were no trees, so you had your own choice of how to go down, it was all white wherever you looked and you could go down anywhere you wanted. There were a couple of groomed paths otherwise it was just normal fluffy snow that you could cut through. It was really cool that you can go wherever you want to down.

Some people, I saw, had these skis, apparently called Telemark Skis. (Telemark is an area in northern norway, they came from there) Now these Telemark Skis...they are weird. They are built just like normal carving skis but the heel is detached like in cross-country skis. You can attach it but most like it detached. Apparently it makes for easier jumps and w going down a big mountain you can easier maneuver and jump side to side with the freedom they give you. I have never seen these before and I definitely wanna try em some time!!

So Skiing was a blast, basically.


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