Updates On My Life In Norway

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Im Still Alive!!

Wow, so I haven't updated folk on my life for a while now...not since before christmas. Anywho, here is a summary...

I went home for christmas, it was fun, I hung out with friends, partied, went to a casino for an entire night and finished it off with IHOP at 6:00 a.m. I skied with Scott, I worked, it was fun, and i ate, slept, went to the toilet and all other normal things that one does when they are home.

I came home the 3rd and was back at school th 4th. It took me about 2-2 1/2 weeks to get over my jet lag consisting of falling asleep in class, falling asleep after dinner, falling asleep before dinner, and all that jazz.

I started new classes. I now have oral training for the first 30 minutes of monday, tuesday, thursday. I still have music anatomy monday before lunch and theory after lunch. I got bumped up to the advanced theory class but i am still taking extra theory tuesday nights to catch up on anything i might have missed. I am in musical theatre tuesdays and thursdays (we find and arrange songs from musicals and perform them.) I am currently working on America from West Side Story and The Ballad of Sweeney Todd. It's fun. Fridays is Classical/Jazz studies, we have a concert on Valentines day at the old monastery...so cute! Wednesdays is still random themes that they decided to teach us, same as saurdays. Monday nights I have Pilates. Wednesdays I still have Jazz Dance but now we are actually JAZZ dancing (to All That Jazz from Chicago,) its fun. Thursdays I still have wind band but before that I have belly dance....yay, it rocks my socks off.

So yes, there has been snow here for a while, we have gone sledding and such. It keeps switching between snow and rain so it is really icy and when one is late for class and tries to run down the steep hill to the music building....well lets just say their butt gets cold. Thats it for now, I will fill you all in on more recent news in a day or so, PEACE OUT!!


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