Updates On My Life In Norway

Monday, April 30, 2007

A professional wrestler at Sunnhordland????

We had our Open day at school on saturday. We did different activities for kids and such. I did face painting. This is an article in the local paper. You can see me in a picture. Underneath it it says, " Susanne Skaare Bø (9) was one of many that were painted on their faces by Patrischa Thoreson." (i know, he spelled my name TOTALLY wrong...)

This beginning part is really funny though. One of the activities the guys did was wrestling. In the paper here it says, "Idar Fardal is a professional wrestler, and has competed in 7 countries. But today he went agaisnt the children on Halsnøy." ......Idar is a student here, NOT a professional wrestler. But to make this even funnier, the guy in charge of norways wrestling circuit e-mail the school saying he was suprised to read this in the paper cuz he had never heard of Idar but he would really like it if Idar would contact him so they can work together. LOL!!! This guy was serious!!! We all had a huge laugh about this during dinner today. How the paper got that idar was a professional wrestler, i dont know. But this is sure funny!!

Here is the article...

Fribrytande og open skule
Idar Fardal er profesjonell fribrytar, og har turnert i sju land. Men han fekk brynt seg mot ungane på Halsnøy.

[ Publisert: 30.04.07 kl. 07:30 ]

Susanne Skaare Bø (9) var ei av mange som vart målte i ansiktet av Patrischa Thoreson.

Liten kontakt

Fribrytar Idar Fardal viste seg å vera ein svært så leiken og populær kar.

Organisert vasskrig

Magne KydlanD

Malene Medhus (12) jaktar på Aleksander Koløy (13). Vasskrig var det nok den mest populære aktiviteten under open dag på Sunnhordland Folkehøgskule.


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