Updates On My Life In Norway

Saturday, April 07, 2007


So we went skiing in the mountains by Lillehammer today. At the ski place the 1994 Olympics were held. It was...fun. The snow sucked, mostly fake and meting or ice (but i guess that's what u get in April.) It is weird to be skiing next to large patches of bright green grass and trees. In the group was me, Mari, Konstantin, Hege, and Marius (a new Marius.)

I don't think it has ever been so advantageous for me to have my first aid kit with me than today. At the beginning of the day we went all to the top of the mountain. To do that you must take those retarded T-bar lifts. Well, all went well with those this time. We got off and we were standing on opposite sides so we argued over which way to go and finally everyone grouped up on one side. Well up came a retarded T-bar rider that was scared of getting caught in it so they threw the bar to the side. It smacked into Hege and ricocheted off of her helmet, spiraling and into Konstantin. For a moment i thought, wow, we are lucky it hit Hege, who was wearing the helmet, but then i turned and saw a guy holding Konstantin (as he had fallen back) and his face was just covered in blood. I saw that it was a nosebleed and Mari was nagging me about getting my first aid kit out to help him but i needed a towel, not a band aid. I was standing there thinking what i can do, with mari freaking out next to me and Konstantin was looking all sad and bloody. He said he was a little dizzy so the guy that caught him layed him on his back. I jumped right on that and made sure Konstantin sat up and leaned forward (like i was taught in first-aid). Mari was now getting quite pissed that i hadn't done anything yet so i did the best i could and got my emergency wrap out of my jacket and gave that to Konstantin to hold the blood. Its not very absorbent, but it works...i just hope the blood washes out cuz i don't wanna buy a new one... Well all turned out ok, we went down the hill and konstantin rested a while because he was dizzy but that was all.

The other incident happened at he end of the day. Me and Konstantin were getting bored of the normal hills so we were indulging ourselves in the Terrain park. The last time, Marius followed us in but said he was going to ski around things. (He had only been skiing about 4 times ever) I jokingly said, "oh, yur no fun" and proceeded down the row of jumps after Konstantin. We stopped and turned, seeing Marius coming down the jumps, he wasn't graceful, but he made it. I let the boys go first for the next round of jumps and when i came over the last, biggest one, i saw Marius on the ground with his skis every where. Noticing him too late i started to slide on the ice towards him and managed to fling myself off to the side and in the matter of seconds, got my skis off and was leaning over Marius because he was a moaning and a groaning like he was going to die. He had apparently landed on his butt/thigh on the ice and had a cut on his face as well. I started doing all the checks to see if he had a concussion or possible spinal injury. Konstantin called for help and a ski patrol guy came. He took over and had me and konstantin take Marius's skis and poles down the hill to the health center, by where Mari and Hege were waiting, confused as to why it took us so long.

Our day was done then. Marius was carried down and we got him home alright. He is okay but cant stand on his right leg. Mari's dad is a doctor so I think if he says it will be fine, then i guess it will. All I have to say is that this was the most eventful ski day i have ever experienced.

--There was a running man holding a torch cut out in the trees on the mountain across from us. It was out there for the olympics.