Updates On My Life In Norway

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Picture of Cooking Guys

These guys REALLY love to cook

Monday, August 28, 2006

I'm here!!!

We arrived at my school, Sunnhordland folkehøgskule, on Friday. We had to take a ferry from Bergen to Leirvik and then switch ferrys to go to Ranavik which is on the island that my school is on, Halsnøy. After getting to Ranavik we caught a train to the school. The raods are terribly skinny (one laned) and people drive so fast, I was sure we going to die as the bus driver sped his huge vehicle about the many curves of the road, barely getting out of the way of other traffic.

When we got to the school the bus would only drop us off at the end of the road…we had to go 200 meters still to get to my school. So here we were, my mom and I, lugging 4 suitcases, 2 carrey on suitcases, a backpack and my bassoon uphill on a gravle hill 200 meters to my school….it kinda sucked. My mom eventually stopped and had me go see where exactly we are supposed to go so we didn’t go past it. That is when I met Lars, the theatre instructor, through a window on the side of a building. He was in jean capris, a white beater, and checked vans with a fo-hawk for a hair style…he was young too. Really quite cute actually but never mind that. One thing I’ve noticed here is that the teachers are mostly really young with a couple old fogies thrown in here or there. Anyway, Lars came and helped us with the luggage and led me to my building, Tuneheimen. I found my dorm and settled in. I did have a roomate but she has panic attacks and needed a single room. We are friends though.

Lars showed us around the school and buildings a bit. It is a lot like camp actually. Very hilly, the rooms are set up the same, there is a gymsalen (a gym), a matsalen (dinning room), and the løa (which means barn but is just called that because there used to be a barn there) where the main asemblys are and the main music building. I do feel like I am living at camp, its kinda surreal.

Lars informed us that the island doesn’t have any police. The used to come every Tuesday but found it a waste of time so now they drop in one Wednesday a month or so just to make sure the drinking is under control.

So me and my mom got to the school a day early and since the island is so tiny we stayed there Friday night. Well, since we were early there was no food so we decided to go into town and get some. We walked part of the way and then found a bus stop but when we got into town everything was closed. (it was only 6 o’clock.) Apparently there was a wedding and the island was so tiny that everything closed down so people could attend it…this is going to take getting used to. We found out the bus didn’t run past 6 and had to call a taxi to get back to the school.
The taxi driver pointed out a gas station with a fast food place that was still open so we stopped in but everything was meat, mainly sheep meat. So my mom got a frozen pizza and I got a loaf of frozen bread and a slab of cheese. On the way back the taxi driver pointed out a yellow building on the other side of the island and said that the very first Viking ship to sail to America was built on this island at that building. I found that pretty interesting.

Saturday went by without much event and Sunday was the opening day for school. We met some nice people that invited us to go along with them in their car to explore the island. There are about 83 students this year, I know there are only 8 theatre people and some art and majority is dance and music. At the opening ceremony we got to see 3 of the teachers do a little…”skit” -for lack of a better word- the choir teacher sang a beautiful opening and one of the music teachers played an interesting solo on his trombone while one of the dance teachers did and interpretive dance to the trombone playing. It was very interesting. Then we sang a song and got a presentation on mat pockets (again, very like camp)- you see, it’s a Norwegian tradition that when you eat breakfast, you create a sandwich for later to eat as your lunch with some fruit and juice. After that we got to see another very interesting “skit”. This one including an art teacher blowing air and strumming the keys of his bari-sax, every-so-often letting a high note or a string of low notes in while the lights were out and two dance instroctore did another interpretive dance, this including a flashlight and a bunch of string being tied about…my teachers are freaks.

I am the only american here. While most people speak English, not all do. My problem is that I learned Bokmal Norwegian, the oslo dialect, and most of these people speak different dialects and talk so fast I might as well not know any Norwegian at all. There is one teacher, a music teacher thankfully, that I can understand as if he were speaking English, he comes from oslo so there you go. I feel kinda like the retard of the school being the only one from america. All of the teachers try to help me, which is nice, but its kinda embarrassing when the head of the school goes about asking people to hang out with me so I am not left out. The people here are nice enough, most can remember my name since its so unusual but if not I am known as the american girl, The USAer, just plain america, or even states. It was kinda funny when we had to split up into groups when we were doing an orientation activity and these guys are like, “dibs on the american girl!” I don’t know if that’s bad or good…It kinda sucks not having a roomate, no one to talk to if you don’t know that many people, but it’ll get better, it always does =)

So I am the 2nd bassoonist to come to this school in 50 years, the last one was 16 years ago. I have to go down to Haugesund to take lessons from a very talented bassoon teacher. Its about an hour and 15 minute ferry ride and then a 45 minute bus ride to get there…fun, fun, fun. I don’t care really, it’ll be nice to get out there and see the locals. I have also been invited to join the main islands wind band. I’m excited, they are paying for the transportation and it is conducted by one of my music teachers. We are going on tour in June to Austria so I am going to see if I can stay long enough to join.


Okay, so I forgot some important parts of our travels in Oslo. First, when we were walking around the town looking at the shopping selection we went into a book store to check out some books and not much longer then we went in than a group of guys entered in underwear and cooking apron handing out brochures saying "Cookbook for Guys". It was interesting.

Another thing I forgot to mention which my mom would kill me for forgetting to tell. WHen we had exhausted ourselves in Oslo and still had 7 hours or so to kill until our train came we were so tired we found a deserted part of the station and lied down for a nap. 4 hours later we were woken up by a security guard telling us we couldn’t sleep there and were sent away. It only took him 4 hours to notice…oh well, us hobo Americans need some sleep, right?

Thursday, August 24, 2006

What Is This All About!?!?

Okay, when I left the states to go to Norway, about 37 people told me to e-mail them and keep them updated. Im lazy. So...I created this blog. This to keep all my little peeps in the flow of my life across that little pond affectionately called the atlantic. Enjoy and post your comments :)

In The Beginning...

Well, I am here-in Norway. We flew into Oslo and had to take a train to the city as the airport is 25km away. Oh, and when I say ''we'' here, i mean my mom and I. We had met a very nice man named Edward on the plane and he helped us out when we got to Norway, I am sure that if he hadn't been there we would still be wandering about the airport. After we got to Oslo we booked a spot on the overnight train over the mountains and to Bergen. We then had 10 hours to kill until our train left. We walked around town, got some lunch, took a nap, and basically sat about until the train came. I had never been on a train before this trip and I felt like was about to head off to Hogwarts with my luggage on a trolly and the platforms layed out before me. I even tried getting onto Platform 9 3/4 but was unsuccesfull, I guess I am just not magical enough. ;)

We basically slept the entire train ride to Bergen, which is a shame since I hear the scenery is gorgeous. We arrived in Bergen about 7 a.m. and dropped our stuff at the hotel and sent off to look for breakfast. (The hotel won't let us check in until 3...8 hours to bum!) Unfortunately, norwegians like to eat their meals at home and majority of the resteraunts don't open until 10 or so. We finally managed to find a breakfast buffet at a hotel and had a hard time convincing our waitress that we weren't staying their and needed to pay, we finally just left 100 nok but I think she just took it as a tip. We walked around Bergens famous fish market for an hour and then sat on the pier playing war (anything to pass the time). After my mom finally won we walked around a bunch and finally found the internet cafe that I am sitting in right now typing this. I have an hour left to kill before the hotel will let us in, I NEED A SHOWER!! I have been in the same outfit since tuesday, i havent been able to shower, brush my teeth, take my contacts out, or even sleep in an actual bed. All my sleep has been on vehicles. But I am having fun. So on that note, I leave you.