Updates On My Life In Norway

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It's a No-Go for playing at the christmas concert :(

Okay, so, update on the composition(sorry, I know that is all I talk about but that kinda is my life at the moment.) I just found out that I will not be able to play it at the christmas concert. Me and Elin (the song teacher) sat and talked about it and we decided that it wasn't written for a small ansemble but practically a mini chamber orchestra and that it was way to hard if I wanted to play it....so I will be conducting it instead!! (had you goin there, didnt i?) 13 people playing together is kinda hard to stay together especially when the piece is contemporary and features many canons. So i found an art student that can play clarinet and she will take my place (i am kinda sad about this cuz i was really looking forward to playing and performing the clarinet) and i get to stand in front cunducting...it is sooo fun! I had never done much of it before (ok, so I DID sit in my room conducting the orchestras on the radio and such...a lot) but i never volunteered for it in band cuz i was scared i wouldnt be able to do it right and would just look fumbly and stupid but when i handed out the music and tried rehearsing after like 2 minutes i was like, "this isnt working" and i put down my clarinet and conducted,, just like that. I felt so nice and natural, standing up there directing my peers while they play MY music. I loved it. I think this is really going to push me into being a music teacher now that i know how it feels. Yea, sorry for ranting, i just wanted to tell y'all that.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Composing Animation

wow, so you know that composition i was talking about? Well i just finished it after spending ever waking moment on it. I did it in class, I did it at meals, I did it while watching movies, during breaks, before going to bed....i think i have it memorized. It ended up being 104 measures long and is taken kinda slow. I change the instrumentation "a little".....it now has 2 sopranos, 1 mezzo soprano, 1alto, 1 soprano sax, 1 clarinet (me, yay!), 2 celos, woodblock, triangle, congas, tomtom drum, and tamburin....a little more than expected. Most people here wrote peices for voice and piano or the simple band set-up so I am hoping, being that it took so long and is kinda different, that I will get to show mine at the christmas concert. With 30 different compositions and other songs we will be playing, only some of us will get to perform our compositions....crossing my fingers!! It is a contemporary/classical (one of those weird peices that I could see Mr. G liking...) and in one part it has the main singer just talking to a 'snazzy' rythm while everyone else is playing chords in the background (i am sooo in love with my chord progressions there...i think i am gonna make another piece with those chords as its basis). Yea, so it is pretty kickin,

Wednesday we had an option day for classes. They had knitting/crocheting, bubbly fizzing fun (blowing stuff up in an artistic way), baking, cleaning (why would anyone do that!?!), acrobatics, film animation, and some others i cant remember. I did the animation class and made a cool film about fruit with a couple other people. We all did the shooting of it but I spent 11 hours (i am not even exaggerating) editing it and actually making it into a movie. I am pretty proud of myself, there are no real words so you people in america would find it funny as well. If anyone knows of a way to send it to people or put it on the internet, tell me. Well, I gotta go, its sleepy time.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Swimming rant plus some...

Howdy y'all!!! I just got back from Leirvik (an island away) where marius, mari and I went swimming at the "culture house" (kulturhus). It was awesome! The pool was friggin huge and they had a kiddie pool that was the size of the medford pool...insane! The deep end was so deep I had small difficulties getting down there from a surface dive (and i have a really big lung capacity and can normally go really deep quite easily.) The best part of the pool, though, was the the fact that there were 2 diving boards, 2 diving platforms, and a pretty big waterslide. The shortest diving board was about a meter above the water, the tallest diving board was about 2.5/2 meters (the same as the shortest platform) and the tallest platform was 5 meters up!!!! I went off it once and as you go down you just hang there wondering when the water will come. It made me really uncomfortable swimming there though because there were just 2 "lifeguards" (i dont know if they were actually certified) on duty and they sat on the side in some chairs talking. Little kids were pushing each other off of the large platform and the guards didnt pay any mind to them. There were people climbing all over the diving boards, hanging off of them, and the worst was that one teen guy got on another guys shoulders (a big no no!!) AND THEN they jumped off the taller diving board together!!! The lifeguards werent even watching!! I found myself looking for my whistle. My friends wanted to fool around like that but i felt so uncomfortable because these are such no no's. Whatever, just felt like raving...

We are starting our first composition project for music class. We can do any style we want and can use however many/any instruments/voices that we want as long as we have some people that play them here. I am excited. I am writing a quintet for 2 cellos, 1 soprano, 1 alto, and 1 tomtom. It will be really cool. I am using the voices kinda like violins and the tomtom was just something extra that i wanted to add. Thats all for now...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Missing You

Okay, so this isn't about anything cool that has happened, just me raving about my homesickness.....I am on a 4 day break from school right now and lots of people went home so i have a lot of time to just sit alone and think and that is not good. Last night i got to talk to my mom, like actually talk for the first time via a video call on messenger and i got to see her, my brother, my dad and my cat and her babies and my dog and it was so nice. When i woke up this morning i heard a voice outside my room and my first thought was that it was Trevor and I was like, "god, will he ever shut up?" but then i opened my eyes and realized that I wasn't at home. It was so dissappointing, the talk with people right before going to bed really made me feel like i was at home and it sucked realizing i wasn't. And then earlier today I was looking at some pictures some of my friends have on the internet and I started crying because i see them all having fun together and I am not there...I feel almost as if I have died and I am sitting up in heaven watching everyone else go on with life. I just have to ay to everyone that I am sorry I left you. I know you will just say I dont need to but I can't help but feel guilty seeing you all go on with life and I am not there to share it with you....I feel really bad that I am not there to see everyone grow and change. I feel like a parent that can't see there kids grow up, especially with you younger friends of mine....some of you are seniors and I don't get to be there to see you expirience this awesome year of your lives!! I feel so bad about that, I am sorry!!!!! Next year I am coming home every weekend to see everyone!!!! Well, I am kinda crying now so I need to go blow my nose, sorry for ranting....

Thursday, November 09, 2006

London Study Tour

Top of the evening to you all!! So I literally 'just' got back from London via extenssive plane, bus, boat, and taxi traveling and am dead tired but wanted to get a post up before the hate mail starts up again because I haven't been posting enough...=)

So we left for london last thursday morning and we got to take a small plane where you have to walk up stairs to the plane instead of a terminal...it was awesome!!! We got to london and settled ourselves in in a cozy little hostel but the bathrooms were quite dirty so I guess it wasn't that cozy. That night music had free so me and some friends traveled about the area, checking it out. Everyone got a travel card that allowed us to travel for free on all busses and subways for the duration of our stay, without it i would be so dead right now. While checking out the town we ended up at the famous Kings Cross Station (Harry Potter) and did a little photo op with Platform 9 3/4...I think I almost got on...lol. When we finally got back to the hotel (we kinda got lost), we were met by loud noise and scantily clad people. Turns out that the basement of our hostel is a dance club and pub and drinks were 2 for 1 for anyone staying there!!! Naturally we partied and then slept.

Other things we did... we went to an indian music concert luncheon, that was cute but the teachers got bored so we had to leave early;
We went to a folk music festival, that was cool, we were on the docks alongside the River Thames and there was a bunch of circussy acts going on;
We went to a jazz club featuring Robert Morris and followed by a hip-hop battle, that was neat, the group that opened played florida funk music and in the middle of their bit the saxophonist reached into his pocket for a cigarette but it was empty and so a guy at my school offered them his and the three instrumentalists took some and lit up on stage, playing these complicated liks with a cigarette in one hand...it was cool;
We attended a balinese gamalan session and learned how to perform a peice, that was fun, a gamelan is a set of percusion instruments that are perfectly tuned (or should i say untuned) to one another to created a humming in the air, so much that if one peice breaks u need to replace the entire set;
We went to mass at St. Johns cathedral and got to witness an amazing choir and organist;
We visit the London Centre of Contemporary Music where we learned about the different roles music plays in a society;
We went to an indian restaraunt, that was neat because it was in londons china town but for indians not chinese. They used to not be allowed to serve beer at these places so it is encouraged to bring your own into the restaraunt and they will bring u a glass and open your cans and bottles and pour em into the glass....its just weird but cool!
We went to a master class on french music at Londons Royal Academy of Music, that was really cool. I basically fell in love with that school and plan on studying there some time in my life, maybe for my masters;
We saw the musical, "Cabaret", that was awesome. It was very well done but was kinda interesting the fact that the background chorus dancers were nude a lot of the time...it did add to the dirty germany dance club atmossphere though;
We went a London Philharmonic Orchestra Shostacovich consert accompanied by a silent film. That was my fav, they played an old russian silent film on a huge screen in the background and the orchestra played the music to it. I loved it, i tried getting backstage to get an autograph from the principal bassoonist afterwards but he left right away :( ;
We did lots of shopping as well, Oxford street is all shops and the Camden market is full of little kiosks and such with random things real cheap, that was so fun, i got some christmas presents at camden;
A cool shop I found was called Howarths. This was a cute little series of shops in an old, antique part of london. The first shop was a clarinet shop, the second was a saxophone shop, and the third was a bassoon and oboe shop. I had never seen anything like it before, on the bassoon side the walls were lined with bassoon music, bassoon cds, bassoon supplys, even bassoons and bassoon parts. They sold reeds there and if i had my bassoon i could have brought it in to test out the reeds otherwise i was allowed to soak em and blow on em to see if they are anything like i want. It was awesome!! My bassoon case had boken before london so i got a new one here...it was a little spendy but cheaper than i had seen online and this case is a light weight backpack that is still quite strong and protective.....who needs food, right?
Other than those stuff, i pretty much ate, slept or partyed. They told us that london wasnt as big of a party place as norway but even the norwegians were getting tired of partying by the end of our stay.
Lol, it was fun.

I now have 4 days to reccuperate and rest before school starts again...41 days before I come home for christmas!!